Please note: To attend the book signing, you must register for the conference. See “A Special Discount for Stopping By” below to find out how.
I’m pleased to announce that I will be signing copies of my new book Ingaging Leadership on the opening night of C-Suite’s 2016 Conference. I hope you can be there. Here are the details . . .
- When: Sunday, March 13th at 6:00 P.M.
- Where: At the 2016 C-Suite Conference at the Westin Copley Place Hotel, 10 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA, 02116
- What: You can sit down with me and have me sign your copy of Ingaging Leadership: A New Approach to Leading that Builds Excellence and Organizational Success. If you don’t own a copy yet, books will be available for free to registered conference attendees.
Plus, you’ll be able to take advantage of all the presentations and events that this exciting conference has to offer. The theme of this year’s Conference is Innovation. Leading futurists will be attending, presenting, and offering a glimpse of how innovation will change the landscape where our organizations work and compete.
A Special Discount to You for Attending
The regular registration fee to attend the C-Suite Conference is $1,000. However, C-Suite has given me permission to offer a special discounted registration fee of $250 to friends of Tortal Training.
To sign up to attend for this special discounted fee, CLICK HERE and enter the promotional code CSuiteBookClubGuest at checkout. If you have questions, please email the C-Suite staff at .
About My Book Ingaging Leadership
Ingaging Leadership: A New Approach to Leading that Builds Excellence and Organizational Success has generated a lot of excitement since it was published last summer. Ingagement is a transforming approach to leadership for executives who believe that it is not enough to tell people what to do, but necessary to engage their minds, emotions and hearts.
Ingaged leadership starts with a belief that when you align people and create an organization where everyone works together in partnership, that organization becomes vastly more successful. Ingaged leadership is an ongoing, dynamic business practice that has the power to transform your organization, your people, you, and ultimately, your success.
I’m looking forward to seeing you on March 13th at the C-Suite Conference.