Have you ever walked into a training class for new financial advisors or insurance salespeople? If you have, chances are you have looked around the room and seen all the chairs filled with young people who are just beginning their careers – many of them members of the millennial generation, which is another way of saying they were born between 1980 and 1998. Many are probably “late millennials,” meaning that they were born between about 1995 and 1998. Some could be the “best and brightest” of recent college graduates, and you are glad you recruited them. Others could be young professionals who have already cut their teeth in retail or customer service positions. They’re eager newcomers who are eager to advance their careers and make a big contribution to your business and industry.
If you’re a trainer who was born before 1980 – the year when the first millennials arrived on the scene – those young millennial hires can be difficult to understand. They are technologically savvy. Some seem to be practically glued to their smartphones. Some of them have been watching reality TV shows that have encouraged them to think like independent entrepreneurs, not team players. Those are some of the traits that you notice at first, but those outer clues don’t tell you everything you need to know about getting their attention or building their loyalty to your organization.
Keys to Training Millennial Workers
If you would like to learn some proven strategies for training millennials, I invite you to read my new article, “Taking the Mystery Out of Training Millennials” that I just published in LIfeHealth.com. The strategies I outline demystify the process of training millennials and lead to excellent outcomes.