Tortal Training’s learning matter experts are passionate about designing effective solutions that move the needle. Whether your organization needs instructor led training (ILT) or assistance with creating optimized electronic versions of employee handbooks, our team can help.
What is Learning Development?
A learning development strategy enables organizations to develop employee skills and capabilities to be successful. Learning development is fundamental to an organization and offers many benefits including increased business performance, employee skills and productivity.
Our Approach
The first step in ensuring an effective learning development strategy is immersing ourselves into your organization. Our team takes the time to get to know your desired outcome and how we can help meet current and future needs.
Our Learning Development Services

Flash Migration
In 2020, we will say goodbye to Adobe Flash and it might drag your legacy courseware with it when it goes. But don’t fret. If you have content and training videos you need to convert from Flash to HTML5, Tortal Training can provide solutions.
Learn MoreGames and Simulations
Let’s face it, if you aren’t gamifying some of your learner function then you are way behind the times. At Tortal, gamification is just one of many design techniques we use to ensure your learning is sticky.
Learn MoreVirtual Reality
AR/VR are quickly becoming popular in the learning space, especially for learning on demand. Our instructional designers and talented coders bring amazing learning experiences to life.
Learn MoreAugmented Reality
AR/VR are quickly becoming popular in the learning space, especially for learning on demand. Our instructional designers and talented coders bring amazing learning experiences to life.
Learn MoreTranslation
We have translated everything from manuals to 3D videos into more than 30 different languages. We do more than just translate though, we localize content based on the target learner. That means we don’t just focus on the words, but consider the intent of the words to have maximum impact on the learner.
Learn MoreAnimation
Can you be in eLearning without knowing how to animate? What does your learning call for? 2D animation? 3D? Combined animation over real world visuals? Our production studios are capable of producing Hollywood-level effects if the job calls for them.
Learn MoreAssessment
There are four levels of Assessment, which do you need to evaluate? Do your learners like the information? Do they remember it? Are they using it? Is it having an impact on your key performance indicators? There are methods to assess all these levels of impact. We develop the right assessment tools to get you the answers you seek.
Instructor Led Training (ILT)
You don’t have to be a slave to a training provider. Our team will craft facilitator guides, participant guides and presentation collateral and enable you to support your own learning function!
Learn MoreTrain the Trainer
Otherwise known as T3 events, we don’t expect you to take our materials and know automatically how to use them. If you need help, we’ll craft and implement a Train the Trainer event for you, teaching your facilitators how to deliver the information.
Custom eLearning
Leverage our 4D Process. We’ll help you define, design, develop and deploy interactive eLearning solutions that will engage and inspire your learner.
Learn MoreVideo Based Training (VBT)
VBT has a time and place. It’s especially successful for performance support and modeling exercises. The studios at Tortal can produce video-based training for all budgets, leveraging simple animations in studio to full production live shoots with an entire film crew.
Learn MoreVirtual Instructor-Led Training
VILT is just like ILT! The only difference is we’ll be sure to incorporate the tool of your choice into the material. The content is key to success for sure, but in virtual training, developing and using the platform is critical.
Learn MoreLearning Development FAQs
In what situations could my organization benefit from learning development?
There are a number of benefits that correlate to learning development, including increased employee satisfaction, productivity and better staff retention. If you feel like your organization could benefit from learning development but don’t know where to start, contact us today.