If you’re a franchise executive, you are pulled in two directions. You really should be networking with other franchise leaders and sharing the latest ideas and intelligence with them. But at the same time, you are so busy managing day-to-day processes that you don’t have the time to connect with other franchise professionals to discuss best practices and ideas.
There Is a Solution
If you have fallen into that pattern, we have some welcome news. Tortal Training has just launched Franchise Growth Masterminds, a highly time-efficient new program that connects you to peers and franchise experts so you can supercharge the success of your entire franchise system.
Highlights of the Franchise Growth Group Masterminds Program
We invite you to join. As a member, you will . . .
- Work side-by-side with Evan Hackel and Cordell Riley, two nationally recognized franchising leaders. They will work with you to build a growth plan for your entire franchise system – and then work with you to put it all into practice. Special members-only contact points let you send your questions and issues to them at any time.
- Connect with other top franchising executives in monthly 90-minute Mastermind web meetings. They offer a way to learn everything you could at a franchising conference, but with an investment of only an hour and a half of your time every month.
- Exchange ideas with other franchising pros in the program’s members-only Facebook group. If you have too little time to network – but really need to – here’s your solution.
- Attend exclusive online presentations, webinars, and other members-only events. You’ll learn the latest ideas and strategies from the sharpest minds in franchising.
- Attend the Franchise Operations Performance Summit (OPS). It’s a franchising conference, sponsored by Ingage, where you can hear the latest ideas from franchising experts, connect with other franchising executives to share ideas, and much more.
Want to Learn More?
To learn more about Franchise Growth Group Masterminds or to apply, CLICK HERE.
It’s an idea whose time has come for franchising professionals. Looking forward to seeing you in the Masterminds Program!