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Come Meet the Tortal Training Team at IFA 2017 in Las Vegas!

The International Franchise Association 2017 Convention will be happening at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas from January 29-February 1 . . . and we will be there to meet you and discuss your training questions. Be sure to stop by our booth to say hello and spend some time with our team.

IFA’s Convention – specifically designed by a committee of IFA members for franchisors of all sizes and single and multi-unit franchisees – is the premiere forum to build relationships and foster new ideas for growth. IFA 2017 features top-flight speakers willing to share their best practices, war stories and learnings throughout the four days. The schedule is filled with 50+ educational sessions, interactive roundtables, in-depth summits and game-changing mini-super sessions.

This is the largest event in franchising…one you cannot afford to miss! We’ll see you in Las Vegas! Please click here to view a PDF of the conference brochure.




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