“Igniting Millennial Engagement,” a new publication from Dale Carnegie, reports the findings of a study that pinpoints how millennials’ attitudes toward their jobs differ from those held by members of other age groups.
Half of the 300 individuals who took part in the study were millennials; the other half were members of other age cohorts. That methodology enabled the researchers to identify distinct differences in the way millennials think about their jobs, including:
- Millennials are significantly more likely to be fully or partially engaged in their jobs than are older non-millennials.
- Yet at the same time, millennials as a group tend to feel less valued, less confident, and less connected to their jobs.
- Millennials aren’t all about independence. In fact, they value a workplace environment where they are given help or support when needed.
- Millennials like flexible hours, yet they actually look forward to going to work more than members of other age groups do.
- Millennials prefer to work for supervisors who communicate openly and honestly and who recognize contributions.
- Millennials like to work for supervisors who take an interest in the personal lives of the people they supervise.
- Millennials like working for supervisors who are trustworthy.
Why Training Makes a Difference in Building Millennials’ Job Satisfaction
The Dale Carnegie research also found that training can play a major role in increasing millennials’ satisfaction on the job. Specifically:
- Courses in leadership, public speaking, self-confidence and team management go a long way toward helping millennials feel valued, confident, and connected to their companies and their jobs.
- Also, the millennials who were part of the study reported that they especially liked online training courses that could offer them engaging content that they could access during flexible hours.
To Learn More about Training and Retaining Millennial Workers . . .
We invite you to download a free copy of Tortal Training’s new eBook Bridging the Generation Gap.