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Why Training Deserves “a Seat at the Table” in your Company

Management Advice Metrics and Measurement Collaboration Leadership training ROI

  “Training deserves a seat at the table next to marketing and other company priorities,” our friend Dan Elzer told us in the Breakthrough Ideas webinar that he presented for us last summer. Dan founded The Training Academy, his clients include some of the most successful companies in America, and he is right. Top executives…

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How to Identify the Best Candidates for Leadership Training

Leadership Training Management Advice Training employee retention executive education leadership training training

  Leadership training programs offer your organization many important benefits, including: A cost-effective and efficient way to fill your top jobs by promoting excellent performers from within your organization. A powerful motivator that encourages your most talented managers to stay in your company for the long term. An opportunity to create a strong cross-functional leadership…

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Why Every Employer Needs an Employee Handbook

blog Engagement Tips Management Advice employee employee handbook employee productivity employee retention handbook training

Good operating policy is the foundation for any successful business. Companies that are lax in this area are more likely to breed confusion among employees, and leave the door open for discourse in the workplace. A handbook that is well thought-out can govern the actions and expectations of both the employees and managers. It can…

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What is Employee Retention?

blog Engagement Tips Management Advice employee employee retention entrepreneur hiring Leadership management

Employee retention is the rate at which employees leave a company in a defined period, usually a year. A low rate of retention indicates that there is either a failure in management’s ability to find the right people for the job, or the company has policies that drive good employees away. With the rising cost…

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4 Tips for Keeping Employees Productive During the Holidays

blog Engagement Engagement Tips Management Advice Business employee productivity Engagement holiday productivity holidays HR management work life

Now that the fake spiders, Gremlin costumes and candy buckets from Halloween are all tucked away, it’s time for workers to get in gear for the holiday season. Getting your employees off to a running start is easy, but as the busyness of the holidays start to overwhelm them, helping employees stay productive is another…

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Franchise OPS strong in Boston

Franchises Management Advice a franchisor franchisee association franchisees franchisor franchisee franchisors what is a franchisor

We just wrapped another successful Franchise Operations Performance Summit (OPS), this time in Boston. This particular OPS, however, had special meaning for more than just what we covered during the two days of workshops. For those of you unfamiliar with the area, the site of Franchise OPS, The Sheraton-Boston Hotel, is not far where the…

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Hold Yourself Accountable to Reduce Stress by Ricky Kalmon

Engagement Management Advice Engagement franchisee association franchisor

By Ricky Kalmon – Motivational Speaker, TV Personality and Corporate Entertainer Stress can produce headaches, illness, depression, stomach issues, and sleeping problems. It can also lessen productivity and affect your immune system. Reducing stress is not an occasional luxury afforded to a few—it’s a necessity accessible to everyone. You are responsible for the foods you eat…

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In Pursuit of Elegance: Matt May Talks about His Own Journey and What Inspires Him

Innovation Management Advice Advice Business elegance ideas Innovation Matt May satisfaction

Matt May is the author of In Pursuit of Elegance: Why the Best Ideas Have Something Missing and The Elegant Solution: Toyota’s Formula for Mastering Innovation.  He is also a weekly columnist for the American Express OPEN Forum Idea Hub.  Matt is an expert in design strategy and innovation, two subjects he focuses heavily on…

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Why technology will not replace you; the importance of live meetings.

Collaboration Engagement Tips Franchises Management Advice conference franchise ingage live meetings

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing, technology-driven workplace, many people face the prospect of being replaced by a machine that can do their job faster and without error.  But there is one thing that will remain the same no matter how many advances in technology we achieve.  That thing is the importance of a live meeting. There…

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The Best Strategy for Implementing Marketing Strategies

Engagement Engagement Tips Franchises Management Advice Advice Business Buying Groups Collaboration Cooperatives Dealer Networks Engagement franchise franchisee

This summer, the Balihoo Blog, full of tips and trends in marketing, featured a guest post which I wrote.  The post deals with the concept of engaging your franchisees, members, or dealers when implementing a marketing strategy.  It also mentions the dangers of simply pushing a strategy down through the organization from the top. From…

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