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Failing to Train Employees Could Be Costing You Much More than You Think

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We’re pleased to report that “Why Failing to Train Employees Costs More than You Think” by our CEO Evan Hackel has just been published by PPAI online. Evan’s article is a real eye-opener for any organization that believes it is saving money by cutting training.

What Really Happens If You Don’t Train People?

You’re could be setting yourself up to lose a lot of money. One example? If a trained worker becomes 100% productive and an untrained worker is only 60% productive, you are losing $40,000 in value on every $100,000 of business you conduct. And it you multiply that by the number of employees who are failing to produce, the real costs become more apparent.

A Quick Case Study

Instead of training its new salespeople, a company thought it was saving money by hiring experienced salespeople from other companies and simply turning them loose. But company leadership took the plunge and hired a training development company to develop programs for all newly hired salespeople.

After one year, the average annual sales made by each company-trained salesperson increased $200,000 or more. When the company factored in sales and contribution margin improvement, the people trained in-house produced about $80,000 a year more in pure profit. With an average five-year tenure for each employee, the training was therefor worth $400,000 more in profit dollars.

That is another way of saying that the cost of not training each salesperson amounted to $80,000 a year for that company.

Is It Time to Talk to Tortal Training?

Are you trying to save money by cutting essential training – but really losing money? We invite you to contact Tortal Training today to learn how the right training can dramatically build your bottom line.

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